Teoresi Dream Workplace: explore the creativity of the contest winners envisioning the future of Teoresi with six visions reflecting values of sustainability, diversity, and inclusion.
The AI-generated images you see on this page are the six winners of the Teoresi Dream Workplace contest that engaged all Teoresi colleagues throughout December.
Dream Big: what should your dream Teoresi look like?
This was the question participants in the Teoresi Dream Workplace contest answered using their favorite generative text-to-image AI tool. They created representations of the ideal workplace where their professional and personal dreams could be freely depicted, unrestricted.
A mixed jury composed of Teoresi Group’s Corporate Development Office, four members of the creative community ICONA (Italian Community of New Arts), and one founder of AI/CC (Artificial Intelligence Creative Community) awarded works embodying inclusivity, diversity appreciation, and commitment to environmental sustainability.
Six perspectives of the future, some not even so distant from the reality we are already living, six ways to imagine how the places where we currently work, meet, showcase our skills, and our profession find new modes of expression could transform.

What you can do
Explore all the cards, download your favorites, share them on social media, tag Teoresi, and use the hashtag #TeoresiDreamWorkplace
Send them with wishes for a more inclusive and sustainable 2024!