Nanocan (NANOphotonics for the fight against CANcer) is an advanced technology platform designed to enhance the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to breast cancer and liver cancer, by combining nanotechnologies with optical fibers, thus representing an evolution from conventional medicine to personalized medicine.
Our added Values
Transversal skills in engineering, IT, electronics and fiber optics allow the Teoresi Group to face the bio-medical market with solutions ranging from mechanical and hardware design, to software development to control and monitor diagnostic and therapy devices, including portable ones, such as for example, tools for administering therapies ad hoc, in an innovation ecosystem that flows from biomedical to ICT and more generally to eHealth.
Furthermore, within the project consortium, Teoresi has been recognized as the entity capable of engineering the prototype, bridging the gap between research and market needs.

In this video clip the NANOCAN project is told by the protagonists: researchers, doctors, engineers, chemists and biologists of the CeRICT (Benevento) and Teoresi (Naples).
- The technologies used in the project could allow, once integrated into clinical practice, a time reduction in real time diagnostics while maintaining the possibility of performing controlled drug release actions directly on a specific site.
- Within the project consortium, Teoresi had the role of initiating engineering and patenting processes.