Maker Faire 2016: innovation event in Rome
Rome October 14-16
The University of Naples Federico II, in collaboration with FCA Italy and the Teoresi Group, will take part in the “Maker Faire Rome 2016” event, next weekend October 14th to 16th. The Smart City friendly car will be presented: a Fiat 500X, reproducing a “Mobility as a service” (MaaS) scenario based on car-sharing use, which can be customized through smartphone to suit your connectivity, ergonomics and driving style needs. Come visit us, we are in Pav. 6 (LIFE), booth A32.
For more information
The activites are included in the Apps4Safety research project, coordinated by FCA-Pomigliano Technical Center within Distretto Dattilo, in collaboration with the Universities of Campania region.
Read the complete notice about the project