Festival of the „Champion companies“: Teoresi talks about growth
TagungenOn Friday May 6th, Valter Brasso, Teoresi founder and CEO, will take part in “Gestire la crescita per linee interne ed esterne” (Managing growth by internal and external strategies), event of the rich agenda of Vicenza Città Impresa, the Festival of the „Champion companies“, a place for a debate on topics connected to the development of the businesses and the territories, at its 15th edition, taking place in Vicenza from May 6th to 8th.
In addition to a series of meetings with important names in economy and journalism, the festival includes a series of sessions dedicated to top performer companies, which have stood out in Italy for growth, innovation and sustainability.
The event including the Teoresi speech will be an opportunity to discuss the different possible approaches for sustainable and balanced growth of one’s own company: internally, relying on company’s own resources, or externally, implementing acquisition strategies or integrating into contiguous sectors in which to realize synergies.
The session will be hosted by Fabio Sottocornola, journalist of „Corriere della Sera“: Valter Brasso will share the stage with Luca Savio (MVC Group), Roberto Tunioli (Fervi) and Filippo Zuppichin (Piovan).
The event will be held on May 6th from 18 to 19.15 at ODCEC Conference Room of the Fondazione Monte di Pietà of Vicenza, Contrà del Monte 13, Vicenza. It will be accessible in person and online.
More information to follow the meetings are available on event website.